Cover up with an Ugly Christmas Sweater - #justputasweateronit
Funny Ugly Christmas Sweater Pictures
We've taken a look at people (and objects) that look a lot better wearing a Christmas sweater. There's some people out there that should cover up those naughty bits and #putasweateronit. Then there's some people who we would like to see lighten up with their wardrobe and rock a festive sweater. Tis the season for Christmas sweaters, and we've put some of our favorite sweaters on some special photos.
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#putasweateronit Joy VIlla (a.k.a. Ms. Ineverheardofyoubefore) |
#putasweateronit Mr. President. |
#putasweateronit Your Majesty. |
#putasweateronit Putin. Nice choice.
#putasweateronit Kim. Now that's better. |
Hey David, #putasweateronit |
Hey Miley, That wrecking ball looks chilly. Just #putasweateronit.. |